An interactive sound machine
Flyers about the Klangstück will be displayed in the event space. Each flyer contains a different QR code and a “word cloud” with initially unrelated words.
In another text, the visitor is asked to go to the Klangstück in the room, insert a coin and place the QR code and the word cloud of the flyer on the illuminated surface provided at the Klangstück machine. The machine now scans the individual code and illuminates certain words of the word cloud. These illuminated words produce an instruction text.

Word Cloud
Dynamic communication via a static medium:
The visitor* is asked to interact with the machine while a Klangstück is created in real time by him/her. Afterwards, the QR code of the flyer can be scanned with a smartphone and the linked website can be visited. There, the very personal Klangstück can be heard and downloaded.
The flyer also points out that the proceeds of the project will be used to co-finance the event.
Multi-layered wooden panels, power connection, two drill holes, metal bracket, sensors, electronics, coin slot, server, flyer with QR code.
100 x 20 x 20 cm.
Robert Schnüll