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In the realm of digital exploration, bugs are usually unwelcome. They disrupt progress and often lead to frustration. However, sometimes, these glitches can result in something unexpectedly beautiful. While working on UNTIL, a project involving disappearing ink, I set out to create a previsualization of the ink fading effect using After Effects. During my experimentation with layers and effects, an unusual bug occurred. Instead of crashing, After Effects continued running, producing the visuals that I had not anticipated.

A wide angle of the installation Gravity showing the six steles

Conditions of the bug

This accidental visual set was created under very specific conditions. The bug manifested only with a particular version of After Effects, certain NVIDIA drivers, and a precise combination of effects. Any deviation from these conditions caused the bug to break. Despite its unpredictability and finicky nature, the result was a series of beautiful, abstract visuals that seemed almost magical. To this day, the exact process remains a mystery, as the bug has since stopped working, hinting that other unknown factors might be involved.

A wide angle of the installation Gravity showing the six steles


The visuals generated by this bug led to the creation of several unique artworks. These pieces are a testament to the serendipity that sometimes accompanies digital creation. Without this glitch, replicating such effects would be nearly impossible (at least for me). Although the bug is no longer reproducable, it serves as a reminder: not every bug is bad.

A wide angle of the installation Gravity showing the six steles
A wide angle of the installation Gravity showing the six steles
A wide angle of the installation Gravity showing the six steles